1. 22. Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2014, Public Law 113-240 § 128 STAT. 2851 (2014), available at (last visited April 21, 2016).
2. 57. See Ross, supra note 2.
3. 39. Waldo, A. , “The Texas Newborn Bloodspot Saga Has Reached a Sad – and Preventable – Conculsion,” Genomics Lab Report [Internet], a publication of the law firm Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson (March 16, 2010), available at (last visited April 21, 2016); Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Lawsuit Settlement Allows Newborn Screening to Program to Move Forward, News Release (January 13, 2014), available at (last visited April 21, 2016).
4. 46. See supra note 14.
5. Genetic Diagnosis and Treatment