1. 50. The latest draft of the proposed EU Data Protection Regulation contains a definition of “pseudonymous data”: under Art. 4 (2a) it means “personal data that cannot be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, as long as such additional information is kept separately and subject to technical and organisational measures to ensure non-attribution.” See European Parliament, European Parliament Legislative Resolution on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data by Competent Authorities for the Purposes of Prevention, Investigation, Detection or Prosecution of Criminal Offences or the Execution of Criminal Penalties, and the Free Movement of Such Data (COM(2012)0010 — C7-0024/2012 — 2012/0010(COD)), March 12, 2014.
2. 66. UK Biobank Ltd., “UK Biobank Ethics and Governance Framework: Version 3.0, UK Biobank 2007,” available at (last visited February 22, 16).
3. 17. Due to the provisions that relate to stem cell research and the assisted reproduction.
4. 41. NHS Health Research Authority, HRA Approval, available at (last visited February 11, 2016).
5. Data Sharing in the Post-Genomic World: The Experience of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) Data Access Compliance Office (DACO)