1. 2. Cal. Penal Code §18100 et seq.
2. 36. See Booker and Rose, supra note
3. 39. ACLU of Pennsylvania, Memorandum: OPPOSITION TO
HOUSE BILL 2227 P.N. 3344 (STEPHENS) (June 19, 2018), ACLUPA, available
(last visited September 16, 2020); ACLU of Rhode Island, An Analysis of
18-H 7688 and 18-S 2492, Relating to Extreme Risk Protection Orders
(March 2018), RIACLU, available at
(last visited September 16, 2020).
4. 20. Maryland Courts, Extreme Risk Protection Order
(ERPO) Statistics, MDCourts, available at
(last visited September 16, 2020).
5. 6. See Giffords Law Center, supra note