Immune Responses to Guided Imagery During Breast Cancer Treatment


Lengacher Cecile A.1,Bennett Mary P.2,Gonzalez Lois3,Gilvary Danielle4,Cox Charles E.4,Cantor Alan4,Jacobsen Paul B.4,Yang Chiu5,Djeu Julie4


1. University of South Florida College of Nursing,

2. Western Kentucky University School of Nursing

3. University of South Florida College of Nursing

4. H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, University of South Florida

5. National Taiwan University


Background: The use of relaxation and guided imagery to reduce stress and improve immune function has great potential benefits for patients with breast cancer. Methods: This pilot study used a pretest—posttest experimental design with 28 breast cancer patients, aged 25 to 75 years, with the diagnosis of stage 0, 1, or 2 breast cancer. The experimental group received a relaxation and guided imagery intervention and the control group received standard care. The effects of the intervention on immune function were measured by natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity and IL-2—activated NK cell activity prior to surgery and 4 weeks postsurgery. NK cell activity was measured using a 15-hr incubation chromium release assay. Cytotoxicity of NK cells was measured against chromium-labeled K-562 target cells. IL-2 was used to enhance reactivity of NK cells against tumor cells. After incubation for 15 hr, cytotoxicity was measured through the release of radioactive chromium. Results: Significant differences between groups were found at 4 weeks postsurgery. T-tests showed increased NK cell cytotoxicity for the intervention group at 100:1, 50:1, and 25:1 effector cell: target cell ratios (E:T) ( p < .01 to p < .05) and increased activation for IL-2 at 100:1, 50:1, 25:1, and 12.5:1 (E:T) ( p < .01 to p < .05) for the intervention group as compared to the control group. Discussion: These findings suggest that a relaxation intervention such as guided imagery could have an effect on NK cell cytotoxicity and NK cell cytotoxicity after activation with IL-2 in patients undergoing surgery for breast cancer.


SAGE Publications


Research and Theory

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