1. Professor Emeritus, Lewis University, Romeoville, IL, USA
In this column, the utterable-unutterable in teaching-learning is explored. Through the lens of the paradoxical rhythms of the humanbecoming teaching-learning model, insights are gleaned from a story shared of an experience in the teaching-learning of nursing. Further understandings emerge from reflecting on the thoughts of others in the literature. From this consideration, suggestions are offered to guide nurse faculty in honoring the richness of the utterable-unutterable in teaching-learning.
Reference5 articles.
1. King M. L.Jr. (n.d.). Quote.
2. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
3. Parse R. R. (2023). A glimpse of Einstein’s living quality: Humanbecoming hermeneutic sciencing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 36(1), 42-50.
4. Pentek A. (2021). “Uttering the unutterable”: Artistic research through object oriented ontology.