The caring partnership: Staff and families of persons institutionalized with Alzheimer's disease


Maas Meridean1,Buckwalter Kathleen C.2,Swanson Elizabeth3,Specht Janet4,Tripp-Reimer Toni5,Hardy Mary A.6


1. The University of Iowa College of Nursing, Iowa City, Iowa

2. Office for Nursing Research Development and Utilization, The University of Iowa College of Nursing; The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa

3. College of Nursing; Health Sciences Education, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

4. Nursing, Iowa Veterans' Home, Marshalltown, Iowa

5. Nursing Research Development and Utilization, The University of Iowa College of Nursing; University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa

6. Army Nurse Corps, Augusta, Georgia


This article has set forth a strategy to increase family/staff cooperation in the care of persons institutionalized with AD. The FIC program was developed as an outgrowth of research that demonstrated family member dissatisfaction with their roles. It is specifically designed to provide a partnership role with staff for families whose relatives with AD are institutionalized. Hypothesized outcomes include the reduction of stress in caregiving, increased satisfaction in role and improved patient cognitive and functional outcomes. Testing of the FIC is currently underway.


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