1. Université de Montréal, Canada
2. Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne, Canada
In the following transcription, the reader will witness the progress of a board game invented and played by two sociologists. In the round of ‘Sociology, the game’ described here, the two players chose to play two classical sociologists, Max Weber and Georg Simmel. Upon picking question cards relating to different themes (on concepts, writing and methods, among others), they answer with their authors in mind, translating their approach in contemporary language and trying to address some of today’s issues. As the game moves on, the reader will observe that the players engage in a dialogue and seem increasingly concerned with the sociological form and the place of imagination in doing sociology: moving back and forth between each author’s stance and their own concerns as contemporary sociologists, the game helps them at once to bring two different thinkers closer together, and to gain perspective on current issues in doing and writing sociology. The reader will note that the format of the game provides an interesting laboratory of ideas, while not precluding humour and entertainment.
Sociology and Political Science