Localization of low molecular weight protease inhibitor in serous secretory cells of the respiratory tract.


Kramps J A,Franken C,Meijer C J,Dijkman J H


We prepared in rabbits an antiserum against low molecular weight protease inhibitor (LMI) purified from the sputum of patients with purulent bronchitis. Using this antiserum in an immunoperoxidase staining method we found that this inhibitor was located exclusively in the serous cells of the submucosal glands of human upper and lower airways. The inhibitor was localized also in serous cells of the sublingual and submandibular glands. In contrast, LMI could not be demonstrated in the serous cells of the parotid gland. In the tissues investigated a strong association between the localization of the protease inhibitor and lysozyme was observed. Our observations indicate that the inhibitor may be present together with lysozyme as a secretory product in the serous cell granules. The possible consequences of the coexistence of these two proteins in the defense mechanism of the respiratory tract is discussed.


SAGE Publications



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