1. School of Psychology, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
In career construction theory, career narratives play a central role in establishing vocational identity. This study investigated the factor structure of career narratives by applying the narrative identity assessment model. In total, 521 young adults participated in the job search. They completed an online survey comprising self-reported measures of career adaptability and job search intensity. Career narratives were also collected, with a career-turning point as a prompt. Career narratives were rated based on exploratory processing, meaning-making, change connections, affective tone, contamination, agency, communion, elaboration of facts, contextual coherence, and chronological coherence. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the hypothesized three-factor structure. Three factors were differentially associated with career adaptability. Only the motivational and affective themes were related to job search intensity. These findings suggest that the factor structure model of career narratives provides a complementary understanding of vocational identity.