1. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
While the term “values” is widely invoked to construct identities, set boundaries, and justify decisions, its use has evaded systematic analysis. This is particularly intriguing in the context of social media, where the term simultaneously reflects and shapes what is cherished by people worldwide. Addressing this void, we analyzed how Instagram users from different language communities – English, German, Italian, Korean, and Japanese – frame the term. Surprisingly, we found that “values” is used not for ethical or political arguments, but as a marketing tool. Across countries, professionals promise to assist individuals in discovering their “authentic” values and leveraging them for material success and a sense of meaning. Instagram, a commercially oriented platform promoting neoliberal values, serves as a powerful agent that appears to outweigh cultural differences. We propose the “funnel” as a metaphor to depict a process where platforms direct varied interpretations of complex concepts into ones that serve their own interests.
H2020 European Research Council