The repressed memory of Brazilian slavery


Sepúlveda Dos Santos Myrian1


1. University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,


This article investigates the over-exposure in Brazilian narratives and images of the suffering and humiliation of the black population during the slavery era. It argues that the emphasis placed on the painful memories of slavery still has the power to undermine the self-esteem of the Brazilian population. Seventy-five per cent of the slaves who were brought to Brazil died within the first three years. Undoubtedly the slavery trade and the humiliation and torture suffered by the black population were traumatic events that left their marks on the victimised individuals. We find images of slaves being tortured and beaten in all the nation's major educational and cultural institutions. However, when history is a product of traumatic situations, it unfolds as though without witnesses. Because slaves were unable to transmit the full horror of their experiences to subsequent generations, our partial representations of the past fail to promote social justice for present-day Afro-descendants.


SAGE Publications


Cultural Studies

Reference51 articles.

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