Scent, Art and Astronomy: New Light on Tang Incense Spheres and Their Global Connections


Fang Flavia Xi1


1. *Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK..


This paper explores the cultural and scientific connections between China, India and Iran through examining a specific type of incense burner with a gimbal device. Similar artefacts have been found in Tang China (618–907 ce), Seljuk (1037–1194 ce) and Mamluk (1250–1517 ce) Central/West Asia, and Renaissance Europe, while textual references complicate the historical narrative. Additionally, the structural resemblance of the object to an armillary sphere and its inner gimbal device add scientific significance. By examining these objects in connection with each other, and thoroughly analysing the relevant sources, this paper argues for an earlier and continuous circulation of these artefacts. It pays close attention to the cultural significance and material features of Tang incense spheres, revealing them as multicultural items potentially influenced by Persian and Central Asian production or importation.


SAGE Publications

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