The evolution of Harry Harlow: from the nature to the nurture of love


Vicedo Marga1


1. University of Toronto,


Harlow deserves a place in the early history of evolutionary psychiatry but not, as he is commonly presented, because of his belief in the instinctual nature of the mother-infant dyad. Harlow’s work on the significance of peer relationships led him to appreciate the evolutionary significance of separate affectional systems. Over time, Harlow distanced himself from the ideas of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth as well as from Konrad Lorenz’s views about imprinting and instincts. Harlow’s work did not lend support to Bowlby’s belief in an innate need for mother love and his thesis that the mother was the child’s psychic organizer. Nor did Harlow agree with Lorenz’s view of instincts as biological, unmodifiable innate needs, unaffected by learning.


SAGE Publications


Psychiatry and Mental health

Reference50 articles.

1. Ainsworth MD ( 1962) The effects of maternal deprivation: a review of findings and controversy in the context of research strategy. In: World Health Organization, Deprivation of Maternal Care: A Reassessment of Its Effects . Geneva: WHO, 97-165.

2. Allport S. ( 1997) A Natural History of Parenting. New York: Three Rivers Press, 167.

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