Intrinsic Traits Such as Personality and Decision-Making Style are Predictive of Stress in Surrogate Decision-Makers


Van Scoy Lauren J.123ORCID,Bliton Chloe F.4,Smith Theresa2,Badzek Laurie5,Green Michael J.12,Levi Benjamin H.26,Foy Andrew J.1


1. Departments of Medicine, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA

2. Department of Humanities, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA

3. Department of Public Health Sciences, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA

4. Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA

5. Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, University Park, PA, USA

6. Department of Pediatrics, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA


Introduction: Despite its prominence in psychology, little is known about how personality traits play a role in the stress experiences of surrogate decision-makers. We tested the hypothesis that intrinsic traits (personality and decision-making styles) would be related to surrogates’ stress in order to learn whether screening or tailoring interventions based on personality traits could help support surrogate decision-makers. Methods: This pre-specified secondary analysis evaluated data from an interventional study with dyads of patients with advanced chronic illness and their spokespersons. Measures included stress after decision-making or patient death (Impact of Events-Revised), personality (Big Five Index; BFI) and decision-making style (maximization and regret scales). Multivariate linear regressions explored the impact of personality on the stress experience; linear regressions independently modeled the impact of maximization and regret on the stress experience. Results: Of 38 spokespersons, 89.5% were women, 97.4% non-Hispanic, and 29.0% had a college degree or higher. In univariate analyses, total stress was correlated with neuroticism (r = .56, P < .01), higher scores on the regret (r = .55, P < .01) and maximization (r = .48, P < .05). In adjusted models, BFI was significantly associated with total stress (R2= 27.08, P = .02). However, only neuroticism was independently associated with total stress. Conclusions: Personality traits, particularly neuroticism, and decision-making styles predicted heightened stress in spokespersons of patients with advanced chronic illness. If ACP interventions are intended to reduce spokesperson stress, personality and decision-making style scales may help identify spokespersons most likely to benefit from ACP interventions.


National Institute of Nursing Research


SAGE Publications


General Medicine

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