1. The Iris Project; Denver Community Bioethics Committee; Centura Hospice, Home Care & Senior Services Ethics Committee, Denver, Colorado
The Denver Community Bioethics Committee (DCBC) is an independent, community-based group that undertakes ethics consultations for any individual or organization. Its members include adult protection professionals, physicians, elder-law attorneys, chaplains, nurses, social workers, and lay persons. In its 11-year history, the Committee has heard numerous cases concerning end-of-life care, futile treatment, and patients’ rights. In 2003, a Colorado hospice provider asked the DCBC for assistance in developing a policy on deactivation of pacemakers and defibrillators in competent hospice patients. The hospice had encountered concerns from some physicians and cardiac care clinicians that deactivating such devices treads the fine line between legitimate withdrawal of burdensome treatment and assisted death. Although the specific deliberations of the DCBC are confidential, this article summarizes contributions from the committee’s discussion, as well as independent research undertaken by the author.
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