1. An introduction to the European Hydrological System — Systeme Hydrologique Europeen, “SHE”, 2: Structure of a physically-based, distributed modelling system
2. Allerup, P. 1986a: Statistical models and leading factors for correction of aerodynamic errors in precipitation measurements. In Sevruk, B., editor, ETH/IAHS/WMO Workshop on the correction of precipitation measurements, Zürich : Geografisches Institut ETH, 205-10.
3. 1986 b: On the construction and fit of a statistical model for aerodynamic errors in point precipitation measurements. In Sevruk, B., editor, ETH/IAHS/WMO Workshop on the correction of precipitation measurements. Zürich: Geografisches Institut ETH, 211-16.
4. Rainfall interception by eight small trees