The Racial Spectacular: Pandemic Governance Through Dashboards and State Biosecurity


Krupar Shiloh1ORCID,Ehlers Nadine2


1. Culture and Politics Program, Geography, Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, 301 Intercultural Center, 37th and O Streets NW, Washington, DC, 20057, USA

2. Department Sociology and Social Policy, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Deputy Director: Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies, The University of Sydney, The University of Sydney, Rm 362, Social Sciences Building (A02), NSW, 2006, Sydney, Australia


Data visualizations related to COVID-19 operate as forms of spectacle essential to the racialized governance of the pandemic. Guy Debord theorized spectacle as separation—between subjects, populations, regions, dots on a map. We extend and revise Debord's framework of spectacle, drawing on Ruth Wilson Gilmore's definition of racism and Sylvia Wynter's critique of monohumanism to position spectacle as ways of seeing as separation: constructed ways of seeing that divide and partition. In this sense, spectacle contributes to material geographies of race and racism: what W.E.B. Du Bois referred to as the global color line and Michel Foucault called the caesura of race. We deploy this anti-racist interpretative methodology to analyze research from the 2020–21 period of the COVID-19 pandemic: first, COVID-19 dashboards that map infections, death, and other pandemic data; and, second, state biosecurity measures of lockdown in so-called areas of concern during the Delta outbreak in Sydney, Australia. Our methodology positions all real-time pandemic monitoring as part of the recursive operation of administering race as problem space, where the biopolitical twinning of life-and-death-making meet. We conclude by asking: what alternative forms of accounting of or for race are possible?


SAGE Publications

Reference106 articles.

1. Akbaba Derya. 2020. “State COVID-19 Dashboards.” Visualization Design Lab. July 20. Accessed November 21, 2023.

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4. Platform Urbanism







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