1. Roswell Park Memorial Institute
2. State University of New York, Buffalo
A two year evaluation of a cancer information system accessible to the general public by telephone found a reported positive impact on behavior directly related to physical health for about 40 percent of a systematic sample of callers interviewed several weeks after their initial contact with the system. Another 20 percent of the same sample reported takng some positive action not directly related to health, or reported some other positive impact such as relief of anxiety as a result of hearing one of the system's 36 pre-recorded cancer lectures. Callers showed greater cancer knowledge, when interviewed, than a sample of non-callers, but no clear conclusion could be drawn because pre-call knowledge levels of callers were not ascertained. Data also were collected from callers at the time of their initial contact; caller characteristics, patterns of calling, topics selected, and source of information about the system are reported. Results of experiments to increase public response are summarized.
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9 articles.