1. From the Hand Surgery Department, St. Andrew’s
Centre for Plastic Surgery, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK
Painful nerves are a difficult and complex clinical problem. We describe the result of treatment by proximal relocation of 51 painful end neuromas and scarred nerves of the forearm in 33 patients. The relocated nerves included 29 superficial radial nerves, 16 lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves, two medial cutaneous nerves and four posterior cutaneous nerves. These relocations achieved no, or only mild, pain in 100% of nerves at the original site and 94% of nerves at the relocation site. It also achieved no, or only mild, hypersensitivity in 96% of nerves at the original site and 98% of nerves at the relocation site. The technical difficulties encountered in this region, in particular on the radial aspect of the wrist, are discussed.
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25 articles.