1. dal Centro Studio Tumori di Busto Arsizio, diretto dal prof. G. Ceriotti
Two protein fractions, decreasing the liver catalase activity «in vivo», have been prepared from ascitic fluids of tumoral and non tumoral origin, by adsorption on calcium phosphate gel at pH 5, and desorption at pH 8. They are: a globulin fraction, that remains in the ascitic fluid after adsorpitin at pH 5; an albumin fraction that is desorbed at pH 8. The activity of the globulin fraction is due for the most part to low molecular weight substances which are adsorbed to the protein and may be separated from their protein support by dialysis. On the contrary the activity of the albumines has to be ascribed to the protein molecule. Denaturation does not affect the anticatalase activity « in vivo » of albumines, on the contrary it destroys the « in vitro » activity, which is present in the undenatured material.
Cancer Research,Oncology,General Medicine
Reference4 articles.
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2. Studio Delle Sostanze di Origine Tumorale ad Azione Inibente Sulla Catalasi Epatica in Vivo
3. Studio Delle Sostanze Tumoral1 Ad Azione Inibente Sulla Catalasi Epatica « in Vivo » : Nota n. 2 Impiego Dei Liquidi Ascitici Per Lo Studio Delle Sostanze Inibenti La Catalasi
4. ColowickS. P., e KaplanN. O., Methods in Enzymology, vol. II, p. 823, Acad. Press New York, 1955.
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5 articles.