Equipment, staffing, and provision of radiotherapy in Lombardy, Italy: Results of three surveys performed between 2012 and 2016


Palazzi Mauro F.1,Soatti Carlo2,Jereczek-Fossa Barbara A.3,Cazzaniga Luigi F.4,Antognoni Paolo5,Gardani Gianstefano6,Amadori Marcello7,Baio Ambrogia8,Beltramo Giancarlo9,Bignardi Mario10,Bracelli Stefano11,Buffoli Alberto12,Castiglioni Simona13,Catalano Gianpiero14,Di Muzio Nadia15,Fallai Carlo16,Fariselli Laura17,Frata Paolo18,Gramaglia Alberto19,Italia Corrado20,Ivaldi Giovanni21,Lombardi Fabrizio22,Magrini Stefano M.23,Nava Simonetta24,Sarti Enrico25,Scandolaro Luciano26,Scorsetti Marta27,Stiglich Francesco28,Tortini Roberto29,Valdagni Riccardo30,Valvo Francesca31,Vavassori Vittorio32,Sbicego Elena L.33,Tonoli Sandro34,Orecchia Roberto35


1. Radiation Oncology Center, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda Milan, Italy

2. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale Manzoni, Lecco, Italy

3. Department of Oncology and Hemato‑oncology, University of Milan, and Division of Radiotherapy, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy

4. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy

5. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi, ASST dei Sette Laghi, Varese, Italy

6. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale San Gerardo, Monza, Italy

7. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale C. Poma, Mantova, Italy

8. Radiation Oncology Center, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, Pavia, Italy

9. Radiation Oncology Center, Centro Diagnostico Italiano (CDI), Milan, Italy

10. Radiation Oncology Center, Fondazione Poliambulanza, Brescia, Italy

11. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale, Busto Arsizio, Italy

12. Radiation Oncology Center, Istituto Clinico S. Anna, Brescia, Italy

13. Radiation Oncology Center, S. Pio X-Humanitas, Milano, Italy

14. Radiation Oncology Center, IRCCS Ospedale Multimedica, Sesto San Giovanni/Castellanza, Italy

15. Radiation Oncology Center, IRCCS Ospedale S. Raffaele, Milano, Italy

16. Radiation Oncology Center, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy

17. Radiation Oncology Center, Fondazione Istituto Neurologico Besta, Milan, Italy

18. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale di Esine, ASST di Valcamonica, Esine, Italy

19. Radiation Oncology Center, Policlinico, Monza, Italy

20. Radiation Oncology Center, Istituti Ospedalieri Bergamaschi, Ponte S. Pietro, Zingonia (BG), Italy

21. Radiation Oncology Center, Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri, Pavia, Italy

22. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale San Donato, San Donato Milanese, Italy

23. Radiation Oncology Center, Brescia University Radiation Oncology Department, O. Alberti Radium Institute, Spedali Civili Hospital, Brescia, Italy

24. Radiation Oncology Center, Istituti Clinici di Pavia e Vigevano, Vigevano, Italy

25. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale, Treviglio, Italy

26. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale Sant’Anna, ASST Lariana, Como, Italy

27. Radiation Oncology Center, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center and Humanitas University, Milano-Rozzano, Italy

28. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale, Sondrio, Italy

29. Radiation Oncology Center, Presidio di Casalpusterlengo, ASST Lodi, Italy

30. Radiation Oncology Center, Istituto Nazionale Tumori and Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy

31. Radiation Oncology Center, CNAO, Pavia, Italy

32. Radiation Oncology Center, Cliniche Humanitas Gavazzeni, Bergamo, Italy

33. Radiation Oncology Center, Istituto Clinico S. Ambrogio, Milan, Italy

34. Radiation Oncology Center, Ospedale, Cremona, Italy

35. Radiation Oncology Center, IEO Scientific Direction, Milan, Italy


Introduction: Several efforts are being implemented at the European level to measure provision of up-to-date radiation treatments across the continent. Methods: A snapshot survey involving all radiation oncology centers within Lombardy, Italy, was performed in 2012 and repeated in 2014 and 2016, in cooperation with regional governmental officers. Centers were asked to provide detailed information concerning all individual patients being treated on the index day, and to report data on available local resources. Results: We observed an increase in the number of centers and of megavoltage units (MVU) (from 76 to 87, i.e., 8.7 MVU per million inhabitants in 2016). Mean number of MVU per center was 2.5. Average age of MVU increased from 5.3 to 7.5 years and patients on the waiting list also increased. Conformal 3D radiotherapy (RT) treatments decreased from 56% to 42% and were progressively replaced by intensity-modulated RT treatments (from 39% to 49%). Waiting times were overall satisfactory. Radiation oncologists treated on average 152 and radiation therapists 100 RT courses per year. Average reimbursement per course was €4,879 (range €2,476–€8,014). Conclusions: The methodology of snapshot survey proved feasible and provided valuable information about radiation oncology provision and accessibility in Lombardy.


SAGE Publications


Cancer Research,Oncology,General Medicine







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