1. Department of PneumologyKerckhoff Heart, Rheuma and Thoracic CenterBad NauheimGermany
2. Department of Internal MedicineJustus Liebig University GiessenUniversities of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center (UGMLC)GiessenGermany
3. German Center for Lung Research (DZL)GiessenGermany
4. Center for Pulmonary Hypertension, Thorax Clinic at the University Hospital HeidelbergHeidelbergGermany
5. Department of Internal MedicineErnst‐Moritz‐Arndt UniversityGreifswaldGermany
6. Department of Vascular SurgeryKerckhoff Heart, Rheuma and Thoracic CenterBad NauheimGermany
7. Department of Respiratory MedicineHannover Medical SchoolHannoverGermany
8. Department III of Internal Medicine and Cologne Cardiovascular Research Center (CCRC)Cologne University Heart CenterCologneGermany
9. Department of MedicineImperial College LondonLondonUK
10. pro‐samed GmbHBerlinGermany
11. Department of Internal Medicine IUniversity Hospital Carl Gustav CarusDresdenGermany
12. Department of PneumologyUniversity of HamburgHamburgGermany
13. Department of Internal Medicine IIDivision of PneumologyUniversity Medical Center RegensburgRegensburgGermany
14. Department for Pneumology and Respiratory MedicineRobert‐Bosch‐HospitalGerlingenGermany
15. Department of CardiologyDRK Kliniken BerlinBerlinGermany
16. Department of PneumologyUniversity of LeipzigLeipzigGermany