1. Israel Nyaburi Nyadera is a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Government and Public Administration, University of Macau (Macau) and a researcher at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University. He is a Charles E. Scheidt fellow for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, George Manson University (USA), and a Kautilya fellow with the Indian Foundation. His research interests are international security, African affairs, political economy and global...
2. Uğur Yasin Asal is a Assistant Professor at Istanbul Commerce University and Head of the Political Science and International Relations Department. He has published several scientific books and book chapters and articles in academic journals. His research interests are international security, strategy, regional conflict management, prosperity, G20 and international political economy. He is a member of Council of International Relations.
3. Billy Agwanda is pursuing PhD in Political Science and International Relations at Marmara University. His research interests include global governance, African studies, Regional integration and international security. He has published with several journals such as The Round Table, Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Global Change, Peace & Security, African Journal on Terrorism (ACSRT) amongst others.