Practical relevance Cats commonly present with joint disease and trauma. A methodical approach to diagnostics and treatment can aid the clinician in the management of these cases. Clinical challenges Cats with joint disease may present with a vague history owing to their independent nature, and gait assessment is often challenging when compared with the dog. Knowledge of feline-specific anatomy is important to avoid over- or misinterpretation of physical examination or imaging findings. Audience This review of feline joint disease focuses on the more common, non-traumatic conditions of the hip, stifle and elbow. It aims to provide first opinion clinicians with a guide to decision making that will assist them in achieving a diagnosis and formulating a management strategy. Evidence base There is an extensive body of original articles and textbooks in the published literature relating to aspects of feline joint disease. This article combines information from key companion animal and feline-specific references together with the author’s clinical experience to provide a practical overview of joint disease, and highlight important differences between cats and dogs in terms of presentation and treatment.
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