A Social Problem Index for Canada


Thomp son An gus H1,Howard An drew W2,Jin Yan3


1. As so ci ate Pro fes sor, De part ments ofPsy chia try and Pub lic Health Sciences, Uni ver sity ofAl berta, Ed mon ton, Al berta

2. For merly, Re search As so ci ate, De part ment ofPsy chia try, Uni ver sity ofAlberta; Re search As so ci ate, Di vi sion ofMen tal Health, Al berta Health, Edmonton, Alberta; now, As sis tant Pro fes sor, Department of Surgery, Uni ver sity ofTo ronto and Hos pi tal for Sick Chil dren, To ronto, On tario

3. In for ma tion Spe cial ist, Health Sys tems Utili za tion Analy sis Branch, Alberta Health, Ed mon ton, Al berta


Objective: To con struct an in dex that rep re sents the gen eral level of so cial prob lems among Ca na dian prov inces and ter ri to ries. Method: Fac tor weights were used to com bine pro vin cial and ter ri to rial rates for ho mi cide, at tem pted mur der, as sault, sex ual assault, rob bery, di vorce, sui cide, and al co hol ism into a sin gle So cial Prob lem In dex. Results: The re sult ing in dex dem on strated strong pos i tive intercorrelations among its fac tors across prov inces. That is, prov inces that showed high rates on one fac tor tended to show high rates on the oth ers as well. The va lidity of the So cial Prob lem In dex is dem on strated by its pos i tive cor re la tion with an in de pend ent mea sure of the like li hood o f hav ing ex pe ri enced per sonal trauma. Conclusions: The ro bust na ture and ap par ent va lid ity of the So cial Prob lem In dex sug gest that it can be well used for needs a ssess ments and the o ret i cal stud ies and as a feed back mech a nism to na tional, pro vin cial, and com mu nity lead ers on the so cial problem sta tus of their par tic u lar ju ris dic tions.


SAGE Publications


Psychiatry and Mental health

Cited by 6 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Can Homicide Serve as an Indicator of Non-lethal Crime? A Systematic Literature Review;International Criminology;2023-04-05

2. Clustering of homicide with other adverse health outcomes in the Netherlands;Preventive Medicine Reports;2022-12

3. The Components of Adjustment to the Process of Aging;International Perspectives on Aging;2016

4. Younger onset of depression is associated with greater suicidal intent;Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology;2008-03-04

5. Can Psychiatry Prevent Suicide? Not Yet!;The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry;2005-08








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