Validation of French- and English-Canadian Versions of the Social Cue Recognition Test


Beaupré Mar tin G1,King Su zanne2,Bauer Isabelle3,Hess Ursula4,Debruille Jacques-Bruno5,Cor ri gan Pat rick W6


1. Grad u ate Stu dent, De part mentofPsy chol ogy, Uni ver sity ofQue bec at Montreal, Mon treal, Que bec

2. As so ci ate Professor, De part ment ofPsy chi a try, Douglas Hos pi tal Re search Cen tre, McGill Uni ver sity, Mon treal, Que bec

3. Undergraduate Student,Department of Psy chol ogy, McGill Uni ver sity, Mon treal, Que bec

4. Pro fessor, De part ment ofPsy chol ogy, Uni ver sity ofQue bec atMon treal, Mon treal, Que bec

5. As sis tant Pro fes sor, De part ment ofPsy chi a try, McGill Uni ver sity, Montreal, Que bec

6. Pro fessor, De part ment ofPsy chi a try, Uni ver sity ofChi cago, Chi cago, Il l inois


Objective: Our pri mary ob jec tive was to cre ate and vali date the So cial Cue Rec og ni tion Test-C (SCRT-C), a Ca na dian test com pa ra ble with the origi nal SCRT. Method: We ad min is tered the SCRT-C and the origi nal SCRT to 111 nor mal un der graduate stu dents. Results: In our sam ple, the re li abil ity and va lid ity of the SCRT-C were mod er ately high and simi lar to those found with Cor rigan's SCRT. The re sults also sug gest that the Eng lish and French ver sions of the Ca na dian SCRT are equiva lent. Conclusions: The SCRT-C is an ap pro pri ate in stru ment for as sess ing so cial cue rec og n ition in emo tional con texts.


SAGE Publications


Psychiatry and Mental health

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