1. Centre de Santé Mentale Communautaire de Montréal et investigateur principal.
2. agrégé à la Faculté de Nursing de l'Université de Montréal et co-investigateur.
3. Sociologue et attaché de recherche.
The results of this study which lasted 27 months corroborate the approach advocated by the centre dealing with an underprivileged population of chronic patients. Indeed, our patients, in spite of the chronic character of their problem, have shown a continual improvement concerning their psychosocial adaptation, a better utilization and a more open perception of their environment. Nevertheless, we have the feeling that the approach taken by the centre begins, after two years, to reach a plateau and this requires a major modification of the strategies of treatment. This change is needed in order to utilize more efficiently the non-psychiatric resources of the catchment area and to limit the involvement of the regular staff of the clinic.