Canadian Psychiatric Inpatient Religious Commitment: An Association with Mental Health


Baetz Mar i lyn1,Larson Da vid B2,Marcoux Gene3,Bowen Rudy4,Grif fin Ron5


1. As sis tant Pro fessor, DepartmentofPsy chiatry, Uni ver sity ofSas katche wan, Saskatoon, Saskatch e wan

2. Di rec tor, Na tional In sti tute for Healthcare Re search, Rockville, Mary land

3. Clin i cal As sis tant Pro fes sor, De part ment ofPsy chi a try, Uni ver sity ofSaskatche wan, Saskatoon, Saskatch e wan

4. Pro fes sorandHead, De part ment ofPsy chi a try, Uni ver sity ofSaskatch e wan, Saskatoon, Sas katch e wan

5. As sis tant Pro fes sor, De part ment ofSo ci ol ogy, St Thomas MoreCollege, Uni ver sity ofSas katche wan, Saskatoon, Sas katche wan


Background: Research indicates that religion may have a positive effect on coping and possibly enhance clinical outcomes. This study aims to de ter mine the level of religious interest of psychiatric in patients and to assess whether religious commitment has an impact on selected outcome variables. Methods: There were 88 consecutive adult patients (50% men) who were admitted to a Canadian tertiary care psychiatry in patient unit and were in ter viewed about their religious beliefs and practices. Patients with a Beck Depression score of 12 or more were included for out come analysis. Results: A total of 59% believed in a God who re wards and punishes, 27% had a high frequency of worship at ten dance, and 35% prayed once or more daily. More frequent worship at tenders had less severe depressive symptoms, shorter cur rent length of stay, higher sat is faction with life, and lower rates of cur rent and life time al cohol abuse ( P < 0.05), when com pared with those with less frequent or no worship at ten dance. In contrast, private spirituality was as sociated with lower depressive symptoms and cur rent al co hol use only ( P < 0.05), and prayer frequency had no significant as sociations. Discussion: This study indicates that certain religious practices may protect against se verity of symptoms, hospital use, and enhance life sat is faction among psychiatric in patients. This is the first known Canadian study that examines religious commitment among psychiatric in patients.


SAGE Publications


Psychiatry and Mental health

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