1. New York University College of Medicine, New York City.
Familiarity with certain physiologic and biochemical reactions and factors of succinylcholine (SCh) in man is helpful in safely administering SCh in convulsive therapy and anesthesiology. These reactions and factors are: 1) the natural variations in the titer of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in the plasma, 2) the interactions between SCh with BChE, 3) the action of SCh in the congenital absence of BChE, 4) understanding of the mechanism of transmission of the nerve impulse, 5) the action of succinylcholine at the motor end plate. Discussion of the above reactions and factors are presented. Two physiologic tests are described. These are the 3 mg SCh test dose and the tendon reflex test. The proper application of these two tests make possible the safest use of succinylcholine in convulsive therapy, as well as in other fields of medicine.