1. KorshakV.V., Plastics Technology, 3rd edition. Khimiya, Moscow, 1985, 560 pp.
2. EgorovaE.I. (ed.), Synthesis and Properties of Styrene Polymers and Copolymers. Collection of Scientific Works. ONPO “Plastpolimer”, Leningrad, 1985, 196 pp.
3. KorotnevaL.A. , Present State and Prospects for the Development of the Production of Heat-Resistant Styrene Copolymers. Review Information. Series “Polymerisation Plastics”. NIITEKhIM, Moscow, 1988, 100 pp.
4. HamD., Copolymerisation. Khimiya, Moscow, 1971, 616 pp. (trans. from English, ed. by KabanovV.A.).
5. FedkeM., Chemical Reactions of Polymers. Khimiya, Moscow, 1990, 152 pp. (trans. from German by V.I. Sorokin and G.M. Tseitlin, ed. by KireevV.V.).