1. Tempest W. (ed.) (1976) Infrasound and low frequency vibration. Academic Press, London, New York, 346 p.
2. Infrasound
3. Yamamura K. (1982) Effects of infrasound. 136–144, In: Miura K., Saito H., Kano H., Fujimoto T., Tada O. (eds.) Handbook of occupational health. 4th edt (Supplement), The Institute for Science of Labour, Tokyo.
4. Parker D.E., Tubbs R.L., Ritz L.A., Wood D.L. (1976) Effect of sound on the vestibular system. AMRL-TR-75-89, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Aerospace Medical Research Lab. 78 p.
5. Effects of infrasound on the Rota-Rod Treadmill performance of rats