Seeking and Utilizing a Curandero in the United States


Favazza Titus Sharon K.1


1. Azusa Pacific University


Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review was to address two key questions: “Why do Hispanics seek a curandero?” And “How do Hispanics utilize the curandero?” Methods: The literature was reviewed using two databases—PubMed and CINAHL—during the period January 2000 to September 2012—and reference lists for potentially relevant studies. The search terms used were Hispanics/Latinos, curandero, CAM use, and traditional healers/medicine. Terms were searched in the keywords, title, and abstract. Findings: Of the 30 articles reviewed, 9 reflected the two key questions. Hispanics seek curanderos because they are affordable and are Spanish literate. Less common reasons include immigration status, culturally appropriate, spiritual healing, acculturation, and dissatisfaction with Western medicine. Hispanics utilize curanderos for a range of illnesses, including folk illnesses and treatments that may be unfamiliar to health care practitioners. Implications: Utilization of a curandero among the U.S. Hispanics was the focus of only four nursing articles on the practice of curanderos, but these did not address nursing implications. Knowledge of Hispanic folk illnesses and treatments is important in providing culturally appropriate holistic care. Furthermore, patient disclosure about the use of curanderos and folk remedies given may be critical to Western medical providers and the treatments they give.


SAGE Publications


Nursing (miscellaneous)







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