1. VA Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion, Crescenz VA Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA
2. Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Community Advisory Boards (CABs) often, “carry” important ideas and concepts for the larger organization of which they are a part. The word “carry” in this context, means that a person or group expresses verbal and nonverbal messages that inform others of what the institution acknowledges, and also what it cannot bear to feel or talk about. These expressions may include attitudes and expectations, values, risks, or disowned features and qualities. A group can contain, “carry,” and express formal, informal, and unconscious issues for a department or system. In this article, we situate our theoretical underpinning of this carrying function by relying on a number of literatures: identified patient, splitting and projection, parallel process, and container and contained. Specifying and examining the dynamics of what CABs carry for an institution can prevent common pitfalls for these groups, such as mistrust, feelings of disrespect, lack of productivity, and thwarted expectations.
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1 articles.