There are lots of dangers lurking when you're not quite two, The hard and sharp and point of things attack and jump at you. Lions open up their mouths and let out toothy roars, While little fingers seem to seek the hinges on the doors. Electric outlets, matches, stoves are no-nos and so hot. Table corners are head high, watch out! The coffee pot! If you eat too many raisins, you'll get a tummy ache, While Dad or Mommy's shouting can really make you shake. Don't run out into the street! You'll get hit by a car! The lightening and the thunder — it isn't very far. There's bathtub drains and toilet bowls with noisy, gurgling flushes, Awaiting there to swallow you, to get you in their clutches. There's vacuum cleaner monsters, electric plugs and such, And if you can't equilibrate, it really is too much.
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