Universities are exploring ways to better prepare teachers for the classroom and to keep them there. Building cohorts of pre-service teachers is one of the ways currently under scrutiny. The University of Memphis began a new cohort-based, grant-funded program entitled Recruitment and Retention through Reinvention of Teacher Education (3Rs) to prepare middle-school math and science teachers in the summer of 2006. This article presents the results of a qualitative study on the effects of a four-day experiential learning program on the development of the 3Rs cohort of middle school pre-service teachers. Participants indicated that their experience was an effective way to build a graduate student cohort. Close relationships with each other were developed and support from the faculty was noted. Few pressing concerns were voiced. Getting away for an overnight stay, focus on educational best practices, and demonstrating the need and importance of this experience were listed as essential to the program.
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7 articles.