“Trust” in Hobbes’s Political Thought


Baumgold Deborah1


1. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA


“Trust” is not usually considered a Hobbesian concept, which is odd since it is central to the definition of a covenant. The key to understanding Hobbes’s concept of trust is to be found in his account of conquest— “sovereignty by acquisition”—which is a heavily revised adaptation of the Roman justification of slavery. Hobbes introduces a distinction between servants, who are trusted with liberty, and imprisoned slaves. The servant/master relationship involves mutual trust, an ongoing exchange of benefits (protection for service and obedience), and performance monitoring. In contrast to Quentin Skinner’s and Philip Pettit’s shared concentration on the contrast between slavery and freedom, I argue that the salient analogy is between servants and subjects.The trust relationship between subjects and the sovereign involves defined roles, limited absolutism, and accountability in the early-modern form of licensing subjects to switch political allegiance should a regime fail.


SAGE Publications


Sociology and Political Science,History

Cited by 31 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Technology and Civic Virtue;Philosophy & Technology;2023-10-18

2. Cyber security and the Leviathan;Computers & Security;2022-05

3. Recelo y admisión del elemento democrático en el Leviatán de Hobbes.;Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy;2022-01-17

4. Friend as Ally;Hobbes Against Friendship;2022

5. The Global Trust Deficit Disorder: A Communications Perspective on Trust in the Time of Global Pandemics;Journal of Communication;2021-04-01








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