Automated office infrastructures and the valuation of work


Richardson Lizzie1


1. Goethe University, Germany


Popular and academic analyses of automation in work predominantly focus on paid labour, sometimes forecasting how many jobs may be lost or investigating how new types of jobs are being created through such technological change. This article takes a different approach by considering what automation implies for the valuation of work. The starting point is that contemporary office automation is not exclusively aimed at working activities themselves but rather is increasingly directed at the infrastructure that allows work. Two infrastructural elements are identified where office automation is occurring: “tenant experience applications” that aid in the flexible occupation of office buildings, and “productivity tools” that support the organisation of office tasks regardless of location. This shift from automation targeting what work is done to how that work is done raises the question of work valuation. Plural regimes of valuation are at play in contemporary office automation, through which a myriad of interested actors emerge, extending beyond the employer and the worker. The value of flexibility thus occurs not singularly nor even primarily in the production process, but rather is achieved in the financial valuation of various aspects of office performance as well as in the social (re)definition of work.


SAGE Publications

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