Toward a definition and classification of lost move state: Perceptions of elite trampolining coaches


Marsollier Élise12ORCID,Hauw Denis12ORCID


1. Reviewers: Melissa Day (University of Chichester, UK) Babett Lobinger (Germany Sport University Cologne, Germany) Roland Seiler (University of Bern, Switzerland)

2. Institute of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland


Several severe performance blocks have been described in the sport psychology literature, in particular the lost move and the yips. Beyond the identification of the traumatic situations associated with these problems, there is a lack of understanding of the process that ultimately culminates in performance blocks. In the present study, a situated and dynamic analysis of a specific type of block in acrobatics was conducted to: (i) identify the propensities of trampolinists to develop lost move, (ii) categorize the types of moves involved, (iii) determine the circumstances of the occurrence of lost moves as typical situations, and (iv) describe the evolution of the loss and its duration. The nine national and international-level French-speaking coaches we interviewed were asked to describe the lost moves they had experienced as coaches. Prior to their interview, each coach had to answer a questionnaire in which they were asked to identify the number of lost moves they experienced. Based on our results, lost moves appeared as evolutive adaptative processes with four steps: disruption, manifestation, contamination, and final adaptation. The phenomenon appeared as observable behavioral manifestations emerging from the interaction between athletes’ dispositions and the situations in which they find themselves throughout their sporting careers. Thus, lost moves might be considered as transitional states in skill development to which an athlete’s performance can branch off. Three main levels of concrete interventions were described, including careful consideration of the athletes’ dispositions and life-course circumstances, avoiding contamination, time off, and engaging in other activities.


SAGE Publications


Social Sciences (miscellaneous)

Reference47 articles.

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3. The Causes of and Psychological Responses to Lost Move Syndrome in National Level Trampolinists

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1. Bibliographie;Le Journal des psychologues;2023-06-27







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