Towards a taxonomy of personality facets


Irwing Paul1,Hughes David J1,Tokarev Alexander1,Booth Tom2


1. Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

2. Department of Psychology, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK


We describe three studies that together provide a first approximation to a comprehensive taxonomy of unique personality facets. In Study 1, we semantically sorted, removed synonyms, and factor analysed 1772 personality items taken from seven major omnibus personality inventories and four narrow inventories. Study 1 identified 61 base facets. In Study 2, we conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify facets missing from the 61 base facets. We identified 16 novel facets. We then created standardised, open access items for the 77 facets. In Study 3, we administered the items to a novel sample ( N = 1096) and assessed the psychometric properties of the facets. The ultimate result was 70 personality facet scales that are open access, psychometrically robust, unidimensional, and discriminant. We call this inventory the Facet-level Multidimensional Assessment of Personality or Facet MAP, version 1. The Facet MAP contains scales equivalent to almost all scales present in major personality inventories, and in most cases, many more as well. As the Facet MAP develops, we hope it will eventually provide a comprehensive taxonomy of personality facets, which will prove useful in reducing construct proliferation and facilitating numerous avenues of important personality research. The Facet MAP items and user manual can be found at:


Economic and Social Research Council

Alliance Manchester Business School Research


SAGE Publications


Social Psychology

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1. Personality is (so much) more than just self-reported Big Five traits;European Journal of Personality;2023-12-15







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