1. Annette Bernhardt, Ruth Milkman, Nik Theodore, Douglas Heckathorn, Mirabai Auer, James DeFilippis, Ana Luz Gonzalez, Victor Narro, Jason Perelshteyn, Diana Polson, and Michael Spiller, Broken Laws, Unprotected Workers: Violations of Employment and Labor Laws in America’s Cities (New York, NY: Center for Urban Economic Development, National Employment Law Project; and Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, 2009 ), 2.
2. U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, 1999-2000 Report on Initiatives ( Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, 2001 ), 7-9.
3. Nordlund, The Quest for a Living Wage, 119, 186.
4. Ibid., 186, 194-97.