1. School of Project Management, NICMAR University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
2. O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India
This study aims to identify the key barriers influencing green supply chain management (GSCM) practices for the construction industry. The study is based on a survey of 20 manager-level employees from the Indian construction industry. Considering the extensive literature review and expert opinion, 15 key barriers influencing GSCM practices were identified and the interrelationship among them was established using multi-criteria-based Interpretative Structure Modelling methodology. Furthermore, by using Matrix Cross-Reference Multiplication Applied for Classification analysis, the barriers were classified as autonomous, dependent, linkage, and independent barriers to understand their relative importance. The barriers were grouped into a three-group hierarchy and it was found that the lower group of barriers, that is, green design, suppliers and green materials, certifications, and financial constraints were highly influencing GSCM practices implementation. The study can help construction practitioners develop a supply chain strategy focusing on critical barriers hindering the adoption of GSCM practices.