Relationships between Felt Age and Perceived Disability, Satisfaction with Recovery, Self-efficacy Beliefs and Coping Strategies


Boehmer Sonja1


1. Freie Universiltät Berlin, Germany,


Subjective age is related to health and to life satisfaction, and adaptation to stressful life events is associated with self-efficacy beliefs and coping. The present study on cancer survivors addressed two objectives: the relationship between felt age and perceived disability and satisfaction with recovery, and the feeding back of felt age on general self-efficacy beliefs and coping strategies. Data were collected one and six months after surgery. Individuals with younger age identities reported lower levels of perceived disability and avoidance-oriented coping and higher levels of satisfaction with recovery, self-efficacy and meaning-focused coping than individuals with older age identities. Individuals with decreased or stable felt age indicated increased meaning-focused coping or avoidance-oriented coping, respectively. Explanations for these associations are discussed.


SAGE Publications


Applied Psychology

Reference36 articles.

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