1. Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany,
Homelessness can be seen as a challenge for health psychology in research and practice on several levels: analysing the risks of becoming homeless; the living conditions of being homeless and their impact on health risks and problems; homeless youth as a specific phenomenon; health problems in the context of homelessness; service utilization and barriers and effects of interventions in the context of homelessness. With these levels, a framework is outlined for the contributions to this Special Issue. In the end, homelessness is discussed as an issue for prevention in three respects for a comprehensive approach in health psychology.
Reference10 articles.
1. Armut und Gesundheit in Deutschland e.V. ( 2000). Die Gesundheitssituation wohnungsloser Menschen. In R. Geene & C. Gold (Eds.), Gesundheit für Alle! Wie können arme Menschen von präventiver und kurativer Gesundheitsversorgung erreicht werden? pp. 49—50. Berlin: b_books.
2. The Emergence of Critical Health Psychology
Cited by
15 articles.