1. CHARLES A. HUGHES is an associate professor of special education at The Pennsylvania State University. He received the PhD at the University of Florida. His professional interests include teaching adolescents with learning and behavioral problems to self-manage academic and social behaviors. Address: Charles A. Hughes, 202 Cedar, Special Education Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802.
2. DONALD D. DESHLER is a professor in the special education department and director of the Center for Research on Learning at the University of Kansas. He received the PhD at the University of Arizona. His research interests focus on the development and validation of educational interventions for at-risk youth and young adults.
3. KATHY L. RUHL is an assistant professor of special education at The Pennsylvania State University. She received the PhD at the University of Florida. Her professional interests include teaching students with behavior disorders and teacher training.
4. JEAN B. SCHUMAKER is a courtesy professor in the Departments of Human Development and Special Education and associate director of the Center for Research on Learning at the University of Kansas. She received her PhD at the University of Kansas. Her research interests focus on the development and validation of educational interventions for at-risk youth and young adults.