1. DEBRA SREBNIK, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington. She has primary interests in mental health services research and has published regarding supported housing approaches and mental health outcomes. In particular, she is interested in the impact of health and mental health policy changes on client access to and utilization of services. Address: Debra Srebnik, Department of Psychiatry, CH-13/359300, University of Washington,...
2. ANA MARI CAUCE, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington. She has particular interests in child development with ethnic and minority populations. She has conducted extensive research on ecological models of development in African American and Asian American families. She also has examined the effectiveness of intensive case management for homeless youth.
3. NAZLI BAYDAR, PhD, is a senior research scientist in the Battelle Seattle Center for Public Health Research and Evaluation. She has conducted research on child and adolescent socioemotional and cognitive development. Specifically, she has examined individual and familial processes that influence child and adolescent mental health and problem behavior. Dr. Baydar has also studied cognitive and socioemotional development in infants and children.