1. Department of Political Science, Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium
2. Research Group GASPAR, Department of Political Science, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
While the knowledge on how candidate selection happens is flourishing, remarkably little attention has been paid to the selection criteria. Why do selectors prefer some candidates? This study investigates the intricated trade-offs party selectors face when having to compromise between the pursuit of three core party goals: unity, policy, and victory. When candidates score lower on one goal, do selectors favour candidates following the party line, skilled for politics or able to garner votes? Relying on 23 in-depth interviews with party selectors from three Belgian francophone parties (Social Democrats, Greens, and Liberals), this research offers insight into how selectors balance their choices between candidates in a PR list context where the group equilibrium is almost as important as individual assets. I point out the interconnections selectors consider between selection criteria, and hence the need to regard the full picture instead of criteria on their own when studying intra-party competition at the nomination stage.
Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds UGent
FWO-FNRS EoS Excellence of Science, project “RepResent”
Sociology and Political Science
Cited by
3 articles.