An integrative model exploring normative, situational, attitudinal and self-related determinants of household food waste separation intention and habit and intention to deposit waste at disposal centres / Modelo integrador para explorar los determinantes normativos, situacionales, actitudinales y relacionados con el yo de la intención y el hábito de separar residuos alimentarios en el hogar, y de la intención de depositar residuos en centros de gestión de residuos


Guichard Emilie1ORCID,Jouffre Stéphane1,Bouquet Cédric A.1,Autin Frédérique1


1. Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition et l’Apprentissage (CeRCA, UMR CNRS 7295), Université de Poitiers


Faced with increasing waste production, authorities are seeking to encourage better household waste management and need to identify levers for change. We propose a model integrating the major determinants of pro-environmental behaviour assumed in prominent theoretical models. Based on meta-analytical evidence, we incorporated situational, normative, attitudinal and self-processes and tested this integrative model to predict intentions to perform two overlooked behaviours: food waste separation and deposit at waste disposal centres. To go beyond intention we also investigated habits to sort food waste. An online survey was administered to two samples ( Ntotal = 2,814) and data were analysed using structural equation modelling. The results showed a good fit of an integrative model ( CFIs > .917; TLIs > .910; RMSEAs < .043; SRMRs < .071). Waste management intentions and habits are directly predicted mainly by personal norms and perceived behavioural control. The latter is predicted by facilitating conditions and pro-environmental identity. Personal norms are predicted by social norms, pro-environmental identity and perceived behavioural control. Our results confirm the relevance of a model integrating situational, normative, attitudinal and self-processes to explain waste management intentions and provide a basis for the development of waste management interventions.


Waste Management Services Division of the urban community of Grand Poitiers


SAGE Publications







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