1. Melamine Modified Polyurethane Foam
2. Genz, M., O.M. Grace, and S. Gagnon. 1987. "New Flame-Resistant Flexible Foams," Proceedings of the SPI—30th Annual Technical/Marketing Conference, pp. 941.
3. Szabat, J.F. and J.A. Gaetano. 1983. "CMHR Foam for High Risk Occupancies," Proceedings of the SPI-26th Annual Technical/Marketing Conference, p. 326.
4. Knaub, P.H. and H. Mispreuve. 1989. "Combustion Modified Flexible Polyurethane Slabstock Foams," Proceedings of the SPI—32nd Annual Technical/Marketing Conference , pp. 501-509.
5. Schrock, K.A., R. Solis, G.E. Beal, R.G. Skorpenske and D.B. Parrish. 1989. "The Influence of Polymer Morphology and Density on the Combustion of Melamine-Filled Flexible Polyurethane Foams," Proceedings of the SPI—32nd Annual Technical/Marketing Conference, pp. 451-458.