1. Due to the sensitive nature of some of the information, the authors have used fictitious names for the town and the settlement. Last names of persons mentioned are abbreviated. All other data, toponyms, names and document titles are real.
2. A. Jurová, Vývoj rómskej problematiky na Slovensku po roku 1945 [Development of Roma issues in Slovakia after 1945] (Bratislava: Goldpress Publishers, 1993).
3. According to development forecasts, the Roma population in Slovakia currently consists of approximately 422,000 persons – 7.8 per cent of the total population of Slovakia. See B. Šprocha, ‘Reprodukcia rómskeho obyvateľstva na Slovensku a prognóza jeho populačného vývoja’ [Reproduction of the Roma population in Slovakia and prognosis of its population development] (Bratislava: Prognostický ústav SAV, VDC Infostat, 2014).
4. W. Guy, Between Past and Future: the Roma of Central and Eastern Europe (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2001).
5. J. Filadelfiová, D. Gerbery and D. Škobla, Report on the Living Conditions of Roma in Slovakia (Bratislava: United Nations Development Programme, Regional Bureau for Europe, 2009).