1. Of respondents who were asked 'Do you think that the majority of coloured people in Britain are superior, equal or inferior to you?' 53 per cent of the respondents said inferior. Mark Abrams in E.J.B. Rose and Associates, Colour and Citizenship ( London, Oxford University Press, for Institute of Race Relations, 1969), p. 568.
2. James M. Jones, Prejudice and Racism (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company , Massachusetts, 1972), p. 131 (italics in original). When an earlier version of this paper was read at the British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting the question of the intentions of the actors was a major question in the discussion. A complete treatment of the subject would involve a detailed consideration of this point. However, since individual prejudice has occupied a central position in the explanations of race relations in Britain, the prior need at present is for analyses of institutional racism and its consequences. For, if the law and administrative rules were different, less scope would be given for the legitimate practice of individual prejudice.
4. Quoted in A.T. Yarwood , Asian Migration to Australia ( Melbourne University Press, 1964), p. 13.